
How Muviestube Works

Every day, 5 THOUSAND of people come to muviestube to be informed, inspired or just plain delighted. Over time, questions have come up about how muviestube works, so we've created this site to provide some answers – and to explain what we're doing to foster a responsible platform that the users, creators and artists who make up our community can rely on.

Our commitments
Discover what we're doing for our community

At the heart of our approach are the four Rs – we Remove content that violates our policies, Reduce the spread of harmful misinformation and borderline material, Raise up authoritative sources for news and information and Reward trusted creators.

Our products and policies

We want you to have the best possible experience while you're using muviestube. So, our products help you find what you're looking for and stay in control of what you see. Meanwhile, our policies explain what you can and cannot do while you're there, so that everyone plays by the same rules.

Download the moviestube app 